Creativity is a peculiar companion at the best of times, but more recently has come with major baggage...
Whilst not wanting to linger on the “Lockdown Lockdrown” theme ... isolation has a major influence on output ...
Too much time to think, too much time to generate ideas, too much time to nurture artist angst, too much time to experiment, procrastinate or be inundated with possibilities. An artists life never simple!
So, where have I been led in the last few months? Well it seems that I’ve been led in a photographic direction or should I say ‘distraction’? All good though, I think, because my main aim is to arrive at multimedia canvases.
However, the beauty of editing Apps and phones, is the access to instant pieces, that though still reflecting my style ... multi layers of rich colours hiding little details that emerge, if you look hard enough. That’s what a great deal of art is about isn’t it ... even in what appears to be the simplest of pieces?
Try as I might though, I’ve not fully mastered the subtlety of soft transparent layers, yet ... perhaps it’s just not meant to be. Though occasionally I have produced an edited photo with the afore mentioned qualities, quite by chance and I have surprised myself!
Moreover, what is more interesting, but probably no surprise these days, is the sense that within those many followers who make positive comments and ‘like’ these pieces lies a real belief that these really do exist as canvases/paintings ... and I find myself explaining that they do not. Like many things on social media they do not exist other than in digital form. Are they fake then? No, unlike many other things on line they are definitely not.
They just, in my mind, don’t exist yet ... until I decide my media. That’s ok though ... well it is until someone wants the image. Then I have a dilemma... do I turn to print, photography, instant art ... still reflecting me, or do I go back to my original plan? To use my phone and digital tools for inspiration to develop my “real” pieces!
Oh here we go ... artist angst again 😂
